Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I decided this needed it's own post.

One of the freelance jobs I am working on is pitch for 3D Animated feature film done entirely on an indie budget. I am really excited to be a part of this and hope we can see it all the way through. Unfortunately with any great project we need the funding to do it, so a kickstarter campaign was started to try and raise some of what we need.

Besides just ability to pledge money the link below also has a cool video that explains the project better then I ever could, so why not check it out? And maybe pledge a few dollars if you are interested?

FrankNson Kickstarter

Updates and a new job...

Sorry I haven't been on in a while(again). I managed to get a new job as a cashier a Lowe's, a home improvement store if anyone has never heard of it, and also managed to snag a few freelance gigs which I am really excited about.

I don't know how much I am going to be able to update this blog with work since these are the first freelance gigs I have ever had and I don't quite know what I am allowed to show since I am under contract(probably nothing). So I will try and work on some things on the side if the work gets slow, but until then, wish me luck!